In this part of Settings, the important information in defining currencies and opening date for Incomes and Expenses is saved; also, it related to the Finance module and schemes in Home.
Section ‘Currencies’ is used to save currencies which is used in your business. You can define Base Currency which is required for application to work properly. The Base Currency will be displayed next to the product and will be the first choice for Incomes, Expenses, Project Orders / Estimates and Leads Proposals.
Second Currency is an additional option. If you want to see two currencies at one time for invoice, expense, project order / estimate and proposal you have to define second currency.
Section ‘Bank accounts‘ is used to save information related to your bank accounts or company’s cash receipts, or even accounts assigned to individual employees.
After creating an account, it is necessary to fill out all fields, especially paying attention to ‘Opening date’ and ‘Opening balance’. All these fields are directly related to the statement preparation function. If fields are left empty, the sofware will not be able to correctly prepare the statement.
The number of bank accounts is unlimited.
Section ‘Numbering’ is used to define and save invoice series and numbers. Number of series is unlimited, so, if needed, you can use it to separate product Incomes. Since each Product must have its series defined, different series can help to control product Incomes.
The checked series are the initial ones, and the application prioritizes them. We recommend avoiding long series names and using capita letters.
The column ‘Initial No.’ defines the initial invoice number. Later, the application, with each Income, will add one (1) number to ‘Last invoice No.’ and ‘Last cash receipt No.’ You can go there any time you need and check the last number. Opening date is for information purposes only.