Last modified: September 5, 2018
Estimated reading time: 2 min

Step 1
– Install FileMaker Server, as recommended by the manufacturer.

Step 2

– Place Benroy folder (extracted) on your PC’s desktop, where FileMaker Server software is installed.

Step 3

– Open FileMaker Pro and choose from Top menu ‘File’ > ‘Sharing’ > ‘Upload to FileMaker Server’.


Find your server by entering IP address or showed in Hosts list. Enter login credentials and press ‘Next >’ and you will see this window:


  • By pressing ‘Change’ button you will change the destination where Benroy would be placed on the server.
  • By pressing ‘Browse’ button you will have to find Benroy where you placed on your computer after download from our site. Please select Benroy.fmp12 file.
  • Make sure the option ‘Automatically open databases (on server) after upload’ is checked.
  • Press ‘Upload’ button and wait untill the app would be uplaoded.

After upload is completed you can see if Benroy is active and you are ready to use by opening FileMaker server from your browser. In the lower left-hand side, you will see ‘Activity’, and select the first Tab – ‘Databases’.Kb_0072

For OSX Server users: having installed FileMaker Server, you need to make sure that ownership and permissions of the folder ‘Data’ located at Library:FileMaker Server:Data is not set up to ‘read only’.

Step 4

  • When Benroy is shared from FileMaker Server, other users can connect to Benroy using the FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Go client programs on their computers.
  • Each computer can download trial versions of FileMaker Pro client program here.
  • Each iPad tablet can download trial versions of FileMaker Go client programs here.
  • When FileMaker Pro client is opened on the top menu, select ‘File’ > ‘Open remote’. In the opened window, select the server computer and click ‘Open’. In this way, Benroy will be opened remotely and you will be able to use it.
  • How to launch Benroy with FileMaker Go read here.


Standard place for storage of the FileMaker Server program are the following:
Windows OS server: C:\Program files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Data\Databases
Mac OSX server: Library:FileMaker Server:Data:Databases

We strictly not recommend to directly place the program files into these locations because this may damage the file structure. Use the ‘Upload to FileMaker server’ sequence described above.

Connecting to Benroy from an external network

–  You should get a static IP adress from your internet provider and set it up in your router.
–  Open these ports ( in your router.
–  When connecting from an external network, you should use the static IP address provided to you.

What happens when you place the program using the pre-set sequence?

FileMaker Server copies Benroy to the standard ‘Databases’ location. It also creates additional folders ‘RC_Data_FMS’. In this folder, you will find a new folder, ‘Benroy’. In this folder, you will find the folder ‘Files’, where all documents, pictures and other files located in the system are stored.

For example, all documents located in the system module ‘Documents’ are stored in the following locations:
– Windows server with default settings: C:\Program files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Data\Databases\RC_Data_FMS\Benroy\Files\Documents
– Mac OSX server with default settings: Library:FileMaker Server:Data:Databases:RC_Data_FMS\Benroy\Files\Documents

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