Last modified: December 11, 2019
Estimated reading time: 1 min
Currently we have integrated 2 calendars into Benroy Business App: Google Calendar and soSIMPLE Calendar. There are some things you have to consider when using the calendar. The integration is still subtle and we are looking for better approach.

Google Calendar

If you use Google Calendar, please follow these steps to set it up:
1. Login to Google Calendar API and create new project:
2. Then you’ll have to enable Calendar API:
3. Add credentials to the project:
4. Create an OAuth ID and set Redirect URI here: You can use or any of yours domain.
5. Then set the user account data, name, logo etc.
6. Click done and copy Client ID and Client Secret back to Benroy.
7. Then you have to go to Settings > Calendars and press “Get Code”, then “Get Token”. Usually it requires one time setup, but you may need to refresh the token in some time.That’s it.

soSIMPLE Calendar

If use soSIMPLE calendar, you have to use filename as it is and comment out window name in the startup script: Also please make sure soSIMPLE Calendar Settings file is in the same folder as Benroy Business App file. And if everything is in place, you have to restart the app and also may need to Open Settings for the first time.
We have done only Standalone integration of the soSIMPLE calendar. If you’d like to extend the integration, please take a look at soSIMPLE documentation.
Hope it will help…
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